What your baby’s saying at 4 - 6 months

4 - 6 months: what your baby's saying

Your baby is learning to copy your sounds! Learn why baby talk can help and listen out for that first little laugh.

4 – 6 months is a magical time as your baby begins to find their real voice. New sounds will pop out all the time as your baby coos and babbles. Although you’ll probably start to hear a few little ‘ma’ and ‘pa’ words, it may be a while before your baby knows to call you ‘mama’ by name. At the moment, it’s still just a fun noise for them to make!

Perhaps the best sound you’ll hear for the first time is a real laugh or giggle. Try gently tickling your baby so you can enjoy the little laughs together. You might feel a bit silly, but chatting to your baby at this stage can help with their speech development.


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