Tips for involving your partner at the birth

Mum and dad in hospital

How can dads get involved during the birth?

Because mums are usually the focus of attention before the baby is born, dads can feel a bit lost. Involving your partner also means thinking about things like saying "We're pregnant" even if you think it sounds silly! It just reminds people that pregnancy is about both mum and dad.

It's good to talk

  • It’s not just about making dad feel useful and involved; your partner can be really handy when it comes to labour.
  • Put him in charge of your birth plan – he can stick up for you if he feels you're not getting what you want and be a useful pair of ears if medical staff bamboozle you with information.
  • Massage techniques, which he’ll learn at antenatal class, can provide you with some welcome relief from pain. Touch can do wonders; even if it’s just a reassuring cuddle or a back-rub to let you know he’s there.
  • Ask your partner to be on hand to help you get comfy – whether that means rearranging your position when you’re lacking energy or just making sure your pillows are plumped. And a cooling flannel can feel lovely if you’re getting too hot.
  • Words of encouragement can do the power of good when you’re tired, exhausted and reaching the end of your tether. Your partner can keep your spirits up and tell you what a good job you’re doing.

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