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New parent survival kit for dads and partners

What kit do I need?

It’s not long now until you’re a parent (EEK!) and the parenting preparation is likely in full swing. NCT classes, name brainstorms, hospital run practices, cot assembly, cuddly toys purchases, essentials stockpiling with cupboards bursting at the seams with nappies, muslin clothes, baby clothes etc.

But what about the little extras? The little things that will make your life easier and allow you to parent like an absolute legend?

Handily we’ve been in your shoes before, asked the same questions and now have the answers. Here’s a list of things to help take your parenting to the next level, but before we do, it’s worth mentioning that some of these items cost a fair bit of money and sadly none of us have a magic money-tree. But don’t worry, as most items can be purchased second hand at a fraction of their original price, because the one thing about babies is that they grow out of things fast. Anyway, here’s that list…


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Looking to support your partner?

We've got plenty of advice to help you to support your partner through pregnancy, birth and beyond.

1. Carrier

Every self-respecting super-dad owns a lovely baby sling to house their little bundle of love while they swan around town. It’s great for bonding, a lot more comfortable than you’d imagine, plus you look like an absolute boss! There are a load of different types on the market, so shop around, try a few out and see what works best for you.  

2. Baby monitor

If you’re a gadget fiend, you’ll get added pleasure in choosing your baby monitor. Again, they come in all different shapes and sizes, often having features such as night vision, temperature and humidity monitoring, two-way voice control, pressure mats to monitor movement etc. If you’re going to be spending a lot of time in the office while your partner cares for your little one, you can even get monitors that allow you to check in on your baby via your smartphone so there’s no need to miss a precious moment.

3. Camera/video camera

First smile, first roll, first steps, first words, first taste of real food. The list of firsts that you’ll want to capture in some shape or form is extensive. Obviously, smartphones mean that the chances of capturing all of these moments as they happen are greatly enhanced, but it’s also nice to have a decent quality camera or video camera so you can to immortilise your little cherub in glorious technicolour.

4. Nappy bin

Benjamin Franklin said there were only two things certain in life: death and taxes, but what he should have said is death, taxes and the fact that you’re going to be wallowing knee deep in soiled nappies for the next couple of years. A specialist nappy bin is a real lifesaver for the old nostrils. They trap those soiled little things and all their dubious wafts in an airtight container, helping to ensure that your home is as fragrant as a spring meadow. Trust me on this, you need this in your life.

5. City jogger

Your opportunities to exercise are going to dwindle severely in near future. That’s a given. One way to combat this and ensure that you can still get your morning kilometers in, is if you have a buggy suitable for running with. A city jogger, for example. Then you can hit the running track, baby in tow and look like a hero to boot. Read more about staying fit, active and healthy once parenthood arrives.

6. Survival kit

So, you have all of the essentials and nice to have to ensure that the heir to your throne is treated like baby royalty in their early months, but the truth is that you’re also going to need a little booster every now and then for your own wellbeing. So why not create a survival kit for yourself? Fill it with things to help get you through those sleepless nights and whirlwind days. Things like protein/chocolate bars, deodorant, first aid kit, earplugs, a bottle or two (or three) of your favourite beverage, vitamins, refreshing wipes, maybe a streaming service subscription. Something to provide a much needed ‘pick-me-up’ when required.

Dad and girl

Gareth Hutchins

Father of 2

Living in Budapest with his wife and two children, Gareth is a freelance writer, creative strategist, film maker and author of the ‘The Budanest’, a book about his experience of fatherhood. He gives us insight into parenthood from a partner's perspective: all views and opinions given are his own, taken from his personal experiences.

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