I need some me-time 

Mum and friend

Why you need ‘me-time’

After the initial shock of having a new baby has passed and you and your baby are becoming more comfortable with each other, you may find yourself craving some time to yourself. This is very common so don't feel bad for wanting time to yourself.


There are lots of reasons why getting some ‘me-time’ is a good idea.


  • Just getting an hour’s break from being a mum will really help you recharge your batteries.
  • You’ll get the chance to do the things you loved doing before your baby arrived!
  • Using the time to meet other adults and chatting to them can do the world of good. Sometimes conversation is far better than making baby sounds all day!
  • A little time to relax means you’ll return to your baby refreshed and enthusiastic.
  • The time you spend on your own is also the perfect opportunity for your partner to bond with your baby too.
Baby sling

Get some help

Use your friends and family to help you out. Plan the time you have and do the things you really need or want to. From enjoying a long quiet soak to going to the gym or having a good old pampering, it’s important you take time out.


Leaving the house without your baby doesn't have to be limited to just you either. Lots of new mums miss the time they spent with their partner when it was just the two of them and that's perfectly normal too.


So if you've got a trusted family member or friend who can watch your baby, spending a little time as a couple can be a welcome break for you both.

Meet other mums and adults

It’s always helpful to talk to people who are going through the same things as you. You can share worries, stories, or decide to talk about anything but babies!


  • Try a mum and baby group, such as a baby swimming or music class or postnatal group. These are a fun way to keep your baby active, get you out of the house and meet other new parents. Keep a look out in your local community centre or village hall and then just go along and get involved!
  • Get in touch with the other mums you met in your antenatal class or maternity ward. It’s more than likely that they’d enjoy the company too!
  • Want to meet other people who know exactly what you’re going through? C&G baby club and the C&G baby club forums are a great place to chat if you can’t get out.

Join the club

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*Weaning is recommended at around 6 months. Please speak with a healthcare professional before introducing solid foods.

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