How can dads help with bottle-feeding?


A few ideas to help dads get involved

There are lots of ways dads can feel more involved with looking after their baby and gain confidence as a parent. And of course sharing theresponsibilities helps you out too. Here are a few ideas that you may find useful:

  • Letting dad prepare bottle-feeds will give you more time for the million-and-one other things you have to do.
  • Take it in turns on night duty; a good night’s sleep will do you the world of good. Or try splitting the night up – one of you gets up from bedtime ‘til 3am, and the other does the 3-8am shift.
  • Why not let dad handle some of the bottle-feeding during daytime? It’ll help them to bond with baby and give you time to rest, do other things or just have some ‘me’ time. Just keep in mind that your baby may take time to adjust to this new way of feeding, so make sure your partner keeps on trying!

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*Weaning is recommended at around 6 months. Please speak with a healthcare professional before introducing solid foods.

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