Coping with toddler tantrums

How to cope with tantrums

Your toddler is bound to have tantrums now and again. But with a bit of patience, you can soon calm them down. Here are a few useful tips that can help turn your little monkey into an angel.

Avoiding tantrums

It’s perfectly normal for your toddler to have the odd tantrum. It usually starts when you get them to do something they don’t want to do – such as putting on a coat.

When you are in that situation, talk gently to them so they don’t get flustered.

There’s no need to stick to strict rules either. Sometimes it’s better to go with the flow. For instance, once you’ve got your child to put on their coat, it doesn’t matter that it’s not zipped up straight away. Just be glad they’ve actually got it on!

What to do if your toddler has a tantrum

Accidents can happen from time to time, so if you suspect your child is about to have a tantrum make sure they don’t hurt themselves.

It may be easier to keep your child safe by holding them firmly for reassurance. As they calm down and feel close to you, the tears will subside and they might want to be comforted.

Some toddlers aren’t keen on being held. If your child needs some space, remove things they are likely to break or that could hurt them.

Remember, you can’t reason with a toddler in a tantrum. So allow them to settle down by themselves, which they will do eventually!

Do keep calm

Children often copy their parents, so try to stay calm. They’ll soon get the idea.

Do carry on as normal

You want them to see that tantrums don’t change anything. If they had a wobble because you wouldn’t let them into the garden, don’t change your mind. Equally, if you’d planned to take them for a walk before their little outburst, carry on once they have calmed down.

Do go out in public

A trip to the shops, the park or a restaurant with your toddler doesn’t have turn into a drama.
Stay relaxed and your child will feel the same.

Outgrowing tantrums

It’s not easy being a toddler with all these new feelings. And it’s not easy being their parent at times either! So the best thing to do is stop worrying. Your toddler’s moods will change as they get older and by the time they reach preschool age, they’ll have settled down a lot.

Give them time. They’ll soon turn into a reasonable and chatty little person.


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