How do I combine breast and bottle?

Breastfeeding on sofa

Combining breast and bottle

Many mums choose to combine breastfeeding and bottle-feeding. Mums often find it offers the best of both worlds – their baby still gets the goodness from their breastmilk, but their baby can still feed when it isn’t convenient to offer a breast, and without the need to express milk. Combined feeding also means you can share the feeding through the night with a partner.

When can I start combining?

It’s best to wait until breastfeeding is well established, usually around six to eight weeks. This reduces the chance that your baby will prefer the sensation of bottle-feeding and give up on breastfeeding altogether. Babies who have been breastfeeding for some time get less confused by the introduction of a new sucking method.

Preparing to combine feeds

Gradually reducing feeds helps to prevent your breasts from becoming engorged or leaking. It can take up to seven days for your breasts to adjust to dropping just one feed, so try cutting down on one feed a week.


If you decide to bottle-feed at night, bear in mind that your body will stop producing milk for feeds at that time. You may find it difficult to switch back once you’ve made the step. It’s a big decision, so have a good think about it and chat to your health visitor first.


The best thing to do is work out a routine for which feeds you’d like from the breast and which from the bottle. A regular routine will get your breasts used to producing the right supplies of milk at the right time. But remember, if you want to switch feeds, you’ll need to give your body time to change over!

Getting your baby used to bottles

Some breastfed babies can be reluctant to switch to bottles in the beginning. Try experimenting with the following:


  • Different types of teat – latex teats are the closest in feel to breasts
  • Warming the milk first
  • Getting someone else to feed your baby for a while (it’s best to leave the room so your baby can’t see you or smell your breastmilk)
  • Holding your baby in a different position, such as propped up against your front and facing away from you.

It may take some time – and patience – before your baby gets into the swing of things, so don’t give up!


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*Weaning is recommended at around 6 months. Please speak with a healthcare professional before introducing solid foods.

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