I’m not enjoying being pregnant

Pregnancy exercise

Why doesn’t pregnancy seem to agree with me?

Despite the magazine covers that show glowing mums-to-be happily breezing through their pregnancies, not everyone finds pregnancy easy or enjoyable. If you’re having a tough time during your pregnancy, rest assured you’re not alone.

It’s hardly surprising that not everybody enjoys pregnancy. After all, your body’s going through some big changes. You might be experiencing morning sicknessbackache and other pregnancy symptoms, and you shouldn’t feel judged if you’re struggling to enjoy every single moment of your pregnancy journey.

Try to remember that your pregnancy won’t last forever. And if you’re in your first trimester, you’ll be relieved to hear that some of the more unwanted physical effects like sickness and fatigue often wear off as your pregnancy progresses.

Your emotional well-being during pregnancy

You’re also coming to terms with some big emotional changes during your pregnancy. Whilst your pregnancy hormones may well be intensifying your feelings and emotions, how you feel is still valid, and it’s essential that you feel heard.

If you’re anxious or worried during your pregnancy, try to identify your main worries. Once you understand what it is that’s bothering you; it might be easier to deal with it. 

Of course, it’s not always so easy. If you’re struggling to manage your emotions, you could be experiencing antenatal depression. If that’s the case, you’re not alone.  In fact, around one in eight women experience depression in pregnancy1. Remember that there are people who can and want to help. Always discuss how you’re feeling with your midwife and doctor so that they can help you get the support you need.

What can I do to make myself feel better?

As the saying goes, it’s good to talk. Opening up to someone you feel comfortable talking to and who might be able to help you resolve some of your worries is a good place to start. It could be a friend who’s been through it already, your partner, or your mum. It could be your midwife or your doctor. Talking through your feelings will reinforce the fact that you’re not alone and help you to put a plan in place to manage how you’re feeling.

Listen to your body and rest when you need to. Do the things that make you feel happy, whether that’s as simple as a soak in the tub or going for a stroll or to the cinema with friends.

  1. National Health Service. Overview - Postnatal depression [online] 2018. Available at: https://www.nhs.uk/mental-health/conditions/post-natal-depression/overview/. Accessed May 2022.

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