Is there anything I can do about morning sickness?

Morning sickness

Morning sickness can happen at any time of the day or night for around 80% of expectant mums. Thankfully there are a number of cures that you can try, which should put an end to your queasiness. If you've got any other questions or concerns, always speak to your midwife first.

What causes morning sickness?

Although the reasons for morning sickness are not fully understood, it's thought that it stems from changes in your body - such as hormone levels and a more sensitive sense of smell. HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin) is the hormone picked up by pregnancy tests and it could be caused by the presence of this hormone or increased levels of another hormone called oestrogen. Your emotional state or stress levels might also set off nausea and vomiting- so make sure you take plenty of opportunities to relax.

Although morning sickness can be distressing, if you're eating and drinking properly, it should cause no harm to your baby. If you find you can't hold down your food or drink at all, or completely lose your appetite, then give your midwife or doctor a call and they'll be able to help.

How long does morning sickness last for?

In most cases morning sickness stops by the end of the first trimester. However, queasiness can come and go throughout pregnancy- all it needs is something like a particular smell you find unpleasant to start things off. Exactly what it is that starts the nausea off tends to vary quite a lot from person to person.

morning sickness

Are there any cures for morning sickness?

Here are some tried and tested remedies for morning sickness relief:

  • Eat something plain and dry as soon as you wake up -ginger biscuits or crackers are perfect. Then if you can, rest for 20-30 minutes before getting out of bed
  • During the rest of the day try and eat little and often - a couple of bites are better than nothing. Keep snacks on hand like dry biscuits or yoghurt
  • Foods high in protein or carbohydrates can help fight that sickness feeling- try combining both at the same time by eating a well-cooked egg on toast
  • Drink lots of fluid- water, juice, milk, fruit teas, whatever you can stomach. Ginger ale or ginger tea is worth a try as it can settle your stomach and stop your morning sickness
  • Make sure you relax and take the stress out of your day - talking with other mums-to-be who've experienced the same problem can be very useful
  • Eating cold food may help as it gives off less of a smell that can trigger nausea - get someone else to do the cooking possible and avoid rich, spicy or strong smelling foods
  • Try and wear loose, comfortable clothing and avoid wearing Items with tight waist bands

Our Careline team are on hand 24/7 to answer any questions you may have, and there are lots of mums-to-be talking about morning sickness in our pregnancy forum - so why not share your experiences and learn how other mums have coped.


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